Tuesday 29 April 2014


Being a female, it only takes me to walk down the street and for someone to stare to make me feel like the world is judging me. These days, there’s so much pressure on girls, that it’s simple impossible to feel even slightly good enough. From models, to celebrities, the appearance of what the media thinks a girl should encounter is much different to the appearance of an average girl, and that’s where the problems begin.

It was just the other day that I walked into NewLook, when I caught a glance of myself in a mirror and already I started picking out all my faults. From my big forehead to my sticky out ears, along with my body becoming bigger from the lack of exercise and healthy eating. Not only is it the faults we pick out about ourselves but also the faults others point out to us. I sit on instagram for at least an hour everyday looking at how perfect other girls are and just weeping at how I will never look like that.

I’ve now got to the point where I have decided that I am going to become more into my fitness and improve how I feel about myself. I believe every girl should love the way they appear, but if for any reason, you are unhappy, then yes, I think it is good to work towards improving that. I don’t agree with going to the extremes. Like starving yourself, but becoming healthier, eating correctly and exercising more are great ways to improve your self esteem.

The media is a lie, the girls you see modelling on tv and in magazines, are average girls like us, that have been so extremely edited that really, it’s a completely different person.

All of our differences and faults are what makes us stand out. So instead of judging yourself on it, find away to emphasize it. Show it off. Be proud.