Thursday, 21 August 2014

life as we know it, or should i say - as we don't expect it.

have you ever been at that point where your whole world feels like it just came completely crashing down right in front of you? and no matter how hard you try, you just cant seem to stop it? where even if someone asks if you're ok. you just break down right there, to the point where you just cant hide your pain any longer? i'm sure you have, i'm sure we all have.

what makes it worse is when someone then makes that dreaded comment 'just remember, whatever you're going through. there will always be someone going through much worse' its at that point where your whole body hurts from the mental pain you're feeling that them few words just make you feel like you cant have feelings. like whatever you're going through will never be bad enough for the world to care. 

without being selfish, at that point where you feel so completely broken, to you, what you're feeling is the worst pain ever, it makes you feel like your drowning, and like your ready to end everything.... ready to give up.

thats where i was last night, it pushed me so far that i walked into the kitchen, opened the cupboard door, picked up all the medication and counted to three.... i began thinking and thats when i remembered everyone i loved. the people who loved me, my family and friends. i picked up the medication ready to gamble my life away, when i pushed it into the cupboard, went upstairs and thought about how close i had just came to destroying and hurting the most important people in my life. i came so close to death because i didn't realise that even though i felt so low right now, that in a few days, weeks, months or years, it will get better, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. i just have to find the strength and stick it out..

so don't give up, keep fighting.